Cambodian Grilled Pork Noodle Salad Recipe
Cambodian Grilled Pork Noodle Salad Recipe is made from pork, brown sugar, garlic, shallot and other ingredients. Khmer food is one of the best cooking cuisines in Asian recipes. Cambodian recipes have similarities like other Asian food, Kampuchea krom, Vietnamese, Thai and Chinese.

Cambodian Grilled Pork Noodle Salad Recipe
Recipe by Cambodia RecipeCambodian Grilled Pork Noodle Salad Recipe is made from pork, brown sugar, garlic, shallot and other ingredients. Khmer food is one of the best cooking cuisines in Asian recipes.
1 1/2 lbs 1 1/2 sliced pork shoulder to 3 or 4 inches thick
1 1/2 tsp 1 1/2 brown sugar
1 tsp 1 garlic
1 tsp 1 shallot
3 tsp 3 minced lemon grass
1/4 tsp 1/4 black pepper
1 1/2 tsp 1 1/2 soy sauce
1 1/2 tsp 1 1/2 fish sauce
1 tsp 1 olive oil
- For the fish sauce
1/2 cup 1/2 boiling water let cool
1/4 c 1/4 fish sauce
2 cloves 2 garlic minced
2 tsp 2 sugar
1 tsp 1 white vinegar
1/2 1/2 lime juice
Mix everything together and set aside, adjust to your taste
In a mortar and pestle pound all the dry ingredients together to paste set aside
In a bowl marinate the meat with all the ingredients and let it marinate for few hours before grilling.
Grill the meat till it is done, or you can pan fry it.
- To serve the noodle salad you need
Rice noodle cook according to the package, drain under cold water set aside
Lettuce chopped
Cucumber sliced
Crush peanut for garnish
- When ready to serve put enough the noodle in a bowl for one serving
- Top with lettuce, cucumbers, basils, and beansprouts
- Then add sliced grill meat on the top
- Drizzle the fish sauce on the top mix them all together and serve with crush peanut for garnish.
Recipe Video
Nutrition Facts
- Serving Size: 2g
- Calories: 1403kcal
- Carbohydrates: 129g
- Protein: 141g
- Fat: 32g
- Saturated Fat: 8g
- Cholesterol: 463mg
- Sodium: 2577mg
- Fiber: 6g
- Sugar: 12g