Homemade Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

February 2, 2023  Cambodian Chef Avatar
Homemade Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

The Homemade Pineapple Upside-Down Cake is a delectable dessert characterized by its soft, buttery texture and a topping of caramelized brown sugar, pineapple rings, and maraschino cherries. The preparation is quick and easy, making it an ideal choice for a homemade treat.

To begin, the cake mix is prepared according to the package instructions, but with a twist—water is replaced with 1 cup of pineapple juice (if there isn’t enough juice, water can be added to make up the difference). This step imparts a delightful pineapple flavor to the cake. The mixture is then set aside.

In a 9×13 baking dish, butter is melted in the oven at 350 degrees. Once the butter has melted, brown sugar is evenly sprinkled over it. The pineapple rings are then arranged on top of the brown sugar, with maraschino cherries placed in the centers and in between the pineapple rings.

The prepared cake mixture is poured evenly over the top. The dish is then baked in a 350-degree oven for approximately 45 minutes. To check if the cake is done, a toothpick can be inserted into the center—if it comes out clean, the cake is ready.

Once out of the oven, a knife is run around the sides of the pan to loosen the cake. A serving plate is placed upside down onto the pan, then the plate and pan are flipped over. The pan is left over the cake for 5 minutes to allow the brown sugar topping to drizzle over the cake. After removing the pan, the cake is left to cool for 30 minutes.

This delightful treat can be enjoyed warm or cold and pairs wonderfully with tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. The combination of the caramelized topping with the pineapple and cherries creates a harmonious blend of flavors and textures, making this Homemade Pineapple Upside-Down Cake a beloved dessert option.


1/4 cup of butter melted
1 cup of pack brown sugar
1 can of pineapple ring, drained juice reserved to make one cup
1 ½ cup of maraschino Cherries without stems
1 box of Yellow Cake mix (replaces water with Pineapple juice)

Directions to make Homemade Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

  1. Mix the cake according to package by replaces water with 1 cup of pineapple juice (if you don’t have enough juice add water to make 1 cup) set aside
  2. Melt the butter in 9×13 baking dish in the oven at 350 degree, take out when the butter is melted
  3. Sprinkle brown sugar evenly in melted butter
  4. Lay the pineapple ring on top of the brown sugar
  5. Put the cherries in the middle and between pineapple
  6. Next lay the cake mix evenly on the top
  7. Bake in 350 degree oven for 45 minutes; insert the toothpick inside the cake if it comes out clean it is done
  8. Take the cake out, immediately run the knife around side of pan to loosen cake.
  9. Place a serving plate upside down onto pan, turn plate and pan over. Leave pan over cake for 5 minutes so brown sugar topping can drizzle over cake. Remove pan. Cool for 30 minutes.

Serve warm or cold with tea or coffee or hot chocolate.


Related Recipe: Homemade Pineapple Dinner Rolls

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 2

Calories Per Serving: 1795

% Daily Value
Total Carbohydrate ‏333g 121%
Cholesterol ‏5mg 2%
Total Fat ‏47g 60%
Saturated Fat ‏8g 40%
Dietary Fiber ‏9g 32%
Protein ‏21g 42%
Sodium ‏1896mg 82%
Sugars ‏233g 466%


15 min


15 min




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